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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jacket photo's

Jacket from the front, prior to setting in of sleeves

Side view, it seems to be fitting pretty well

My first ever sleeve head being inset.   It's now been handsewn in and the shoulder pads are pinned in.
First slipper finished for my 10 year old son
The jacket shell is now complete aside from hand-sewing the shoulder pads and the lining is mostly complete aside from the sleeves being set in.   I should get those done tomorrow and will hopefully get the lining in too.

First slipper is complete, you can get an idea of the current size from the pen next to it.   One more slipper needs to be knit and then I can felt the first pair down to fit George (fingers crossed).   These should go well with his new pj's as they're both red.   I have to say though I'm hating knitting worsted with needles this big, 6.5's just feel so unweildy!

Once the jacket is finished the next challenge is accessories.   I've decided to make a furred collar based on one I found on Ebay
This one is genuine sheared lamb and mine will be faux astrakhan due to the fact that it's what I've got in my stash.   I need to go stash diving for the silk to back it and I don't have the tassles so I'll have to work out something for that but I'm sure I can manage the flowers somehow.   It has hooks to fasten it at the front.


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