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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 10 Blogtoberfest - not according to plan

I had planned some tidying, a tutorial and some removal of clothes I no longer wear.  Instead I ended up working a fair bit of the day and I'm finally succumbing to the cold that George has been sharing with us so lovingly.   I have had it sitting there for over a week now, but today it sat down properly and I'm coughing and sneezing.   I could say exercise caused it as I started the C25K today, but I'm pretty sure it's not that.
Never mind, I got the boys to try on shin pads this morning and we have one pair.  Waiting on a phone call to say the second pair is in store to pick up.
Thomas is booked in for the chiropracter tomorrow morning, I've been working on him for ages to try and get things aligned better so I don't have to keep working on his back; it's really, really tight!
The boys had a great day today, this afternoon they got Xbox time and both of them stayed really well behaved all day!  If I keep feeling like this there may well be more Xbox time tomorrow too; not what I'd intended, but illness is a good reason, right?


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